Hip Hop Soul

Building families one inspiration at a time.

Building an Office in Fulshear

FULSHEAR, TX 77441-1512

About Us (Company Vision/Information)

At the heart of our mission lies the profound belief in the sanctity and strength of the family unit, recognizing the pivotal role of a husband and father in nurturing this fundamental bond. We are dedicated to championing the principles of unity, love, and responsibility within families, fostering environments where relationships flourish on the foundation of mutual respect, support, and understanding. Our commitment extends to empowering men to embrace their roles as partners and fathers fully, encouraging them to lead with compassion, integrity, and wisdom. Through education, dialogue, and community engagement, we aspire to inspire a culture where staying an active, present husband and dad is not only valued but celebrated as the cornerstone of a thriving society.

For Jim, Hip Hop Soul transcends the traditional boundaries of a business. It's a heartfelt mission, a celebration of the ties that bind families together. Through our designs, we aim to encapsulate the warmth of love and the richness of tradition, reinforcing the bonds that make family so vital. Our commitment is to not only create beautiful jewelry but to also kindle the spirit of unity and togetherness in every family that cherishes our pieces.

Company Info

  • Name: Hip Hop Soul
  • Owner: Jim Henderson
  • Website:
  • Joined: Jan 12, 2024
  • Mobile: (832) 338-2926
  • Email: computervirtualservices@gmail.com
  • Location: FULSHEAR, TX 77441-1512
  • Elsewhere:

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Jul 24, 2024